Sunday, June 30, 2013

Randomness...Day 27 Somewhere in Hessen

I always enjoy reading other blogs and when I come across one that has no theme I get giddy.  So I am "swagger jacking" and doing a "Randomness" post about things in Germany thus far that tickle my fancy...enjoy...

This is QUARK...a cross between cream cheese and sour cream.  It comes in a block and you thin it with oil or lime juice.  Included in this particular bowl of quark is dried cranberries, sunflower seeds and bananas.  Quark is delicious.

The bread is just bread....but the shapes and textures are so delish.  This one has cream cheese with a honey drizzle.

This beautiful man was in my menu when we went to lunch the other day.  Wow.

We took a day trip to the city of Worms.  This clock tower was the original "gateway" to the city.  I'm having difficulty finding the formal name (Rhein River Bridge is all I've found).  It was stunning. 

 A "street bridge"...the architecture was amazing in Worms.

The top of a cathedral

Another clock tower...simply beautiful.

Saying goodbye to the bridge.  I wasn't driving in case you want to know.

So the joy of getting to spend an extended period of time with my friend is equally measured in missing my friends and family at home.  I am so happy that I took this trip, but I am fully aware of how much I miss home.  I will have to do an additional blog about separation anxiety. Back to business...

Us hanging out at the club.  The bond cannot ever be broken.

We are looking for persons to join us on a once in a lifetime trip to Egypt.  The itinerary is being formulated and we need a small group of 6 to make this trip happen.  Please contact us at to reserve your spot.

Not my picture...but it's the private yacht for the Egypt trip.

Finally some Dinner

This pic is from a different blog...but I need to pay my respects to Spargel...White Asparagus...The veggie Gold Standard of Spring in Germany.  The unofficial end of Spargel Season was June 24th.  My taste buds, stomach and mind are in a state of mourning.  I love spargel...the texture, the taste, how good it is for my body.

"The people love us!"  "Yes, especially with Hollandaise Sauce!"

Long Live Spargel!

Thank you for sharing the Visiting Ninja's Random blogging mind!  You are welcome to travel with us!

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